Minggu, 28 Februari 2016


Skin allergic that caused itch is very bothersome. It usually comes when the weather changes or happens every day. It forces us to scratch our skin until it hurts and red small bump appears on our skin. Everyone will feel uncomfortable with this that unfortunate comes to them. I will tell you all about my experience of skin itch that came to me many years ago.
My experience began in 2008 when the raining season came. Weather changed to be cold and itch came to my skin. I scratched it and my skin changed red and there is small bump. Next day, I went to Doctor to identify my skin and the Doctor asked to me “do you have asthma?” and I answered “no”, then the Doctor gave me some medicine. Indeed, it worked, but after 2 days my skin is itch again. So I took medicine one in two days.
My skin itch was very extreme. It could come where ever I was. It appeared all over my body until my tongue also got attacked. An extreme one was my tongue itch and appeared a small bump, my lips, my head, all over my body. I felt pain at that time. I tried to make traditional medicine from (Kunir) Indonesian language. The result was negative. 
I began to think how to cure it with my own way. I identified my skin itch and I found that it would appear when the weather was cold. What I thought is wrong. When the season changed it was same. Itch was still coming. Here my research to cure in different way came.
I thought, itch came from blood that was not clean. So I tried to find a method to take the blood out from my body with sweet and drank much fresh water. One day, I wore a rain coat and drank so much fresh water. I run in a foot ball stadium 6 rounds in the noon when it was so hot because of the sun. My body was so sweet and hot came from inside my body. Then I took a rest for a half hour and then I drank bottle fresh water. Next day, I repeated it again in the same condition, in the noon and very hot. Guess how?. This way was effective. The itch was gone. I felt comfortable again.
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One year past. In 2009, I went to register in one of university in Yogyakarta (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan) itch came again. I remembered medicine that could cure it for a short time. I bought it in one of pharmacies but the medicine was not sale there. Shop keeper gave me one that had same formula. Its name was LAURATADIN 10gr one only about Rp 3500. I took it and itch did come for one day. The day next tomorrow, itch came again then I took a pile again. Actually, I wanted to do same method that I ever did but because of the situation in my new environment, I could not do it.
I also had another method, I did (Daud) fasting. One day was fasting next day not, the day after tomorrow is fasting again while I took a pile when I felt itch came. Until one year, the itch did not come again. Now, barrokallah. It never comes again.
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In summery
There 2 method I took
First, wear a rain coat and run around when it is noon or at 12.00 am. If it is not possible you can try however to sweat yourself. Try to make your body feel very hot and sweat too. Then do it properly or every day. It is better if you do it in the hot place.
Second, with fasting. You may can avoid it like I did. I was ever fasting while I was playing football, it was very tiring and spent much strength.
Third, it is about medicine pile that can avoid in emergency time. LAORATADIN 10mg gave me comfort.
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That is all my experience about allergic itch skin that I got.
NB: those are all my experience that I did. Those can be responsible.

1 komentar:

  1. Very interesting and informative blog.thanks for sharing ! Keep posting. Visit the blog to know more itching treatment! http://skindiseasehospital.org/itching-treatment-methods/
